
2023 Conference Sponsorship

Brand Yourself as an Industry Leader

ASA AFRA 2023 will attract new and returning attendees from the distribution, disassembly & recycling communities and provides the perfect setting for building relationships, generating new business, and expanding knowledge and growth opportunities. Past conferences have welcomed nearly 300 senior level industry representatives from 11 countries. Attendees gained access to 10 sponsored networking events, 22 Workshops, and 2 information-packed general sessions which included expert panels and industry insight for future planning. The Marketplace place highlights many of the industries service providers offering services from the distribution, technology, disassembly & recycling sectors. There is no better way to reach key decision makers in an intimate and dynamic environment while offering you great visibility within the aviation distribution, disassembly & recycling communities. Sponsoring at the ASA AFRA Annual Conference brands your company as an industry leader.

Need more information? Contact AFRA by phone at 561-376-5704 or email.