

AFRA is developing a network of research partners, who are invited to participate alongside the Association’s Research & Development Committee to contribute their research content and expertise to advance the aircraft end-of-life industry. AFRA’s research network will provide a valuable forum to bolster industry research and dialogue. Participants in this network will have access to a database of research reports, ability to coordinate with the AFRA R&D Committee members and fellow network participants for feedback on research, data collection, etc., and will have the opportunity to participate in AFRA conferences.

AFRA R&D Research Network Participants:

Clausthal University of Technology

Pforzheim University of Applied Sciences

Fraunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology

University of Pittsburgh


Adherent Technologies, Inc.

Ryerson University

Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) 

Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Coppe – Alberto Luiz Coimbra Institute for Graduate Studies and Engineering Research)

Fundación CIDAUT

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

Utrecht University

Rochester Institute of Technology


To Join the Network:

Any research organization active in aviation, recycling, or another relevant field is eligible to participate free of charge by completing the following form and submitting an example of a related research paper to demonstrate relevant knowledge/expertise in this field. AFRA Staff and the R&D Committee will review the applications, and follow up to provide more information. APPLICATION FORM.

AFRA R&D Research Network Library:

R&D information, research papers, and updates are available on the AFRA members only pages. AFRA MEMBERS: If you are interested in joining the AFRA Research & Development Committee please contact AFRA Staff.